Duke Energy came out Thursday and ran a pressure test on my gas lines.  I passed and the gas was turned on.  Just in time as it looks like we are skipping fall and headed straight to winter.  Cincinnati experienced a 30 degree drop in temps with our lows in the 30s and highs only in the 50s all week.  I have the thermostat sat at 62 and the house is comfortable, so I hope this means I’ll see low utility bills in the years to come.

I grew up in an all electric house, so needless to say I’m a bit nervous having gas running.  Fear of leaks and explosions.  I have connected the the smoke and carbon dioxide detectors in the basement and master.  I have one more combo and two smoke detectors yet to connect, but those will happen as the paint is completed in those areas.

In regards to water I have plans to salvage the cement sink in my basement to finally have a functioning sink and access to hot water.  I’ve been told by many to take sledgehammer to it, but my inner MacGyver has better ideas.  Stay tuned.


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