I have worked as an independent meeting planner and consultant for a diverse mix of clients within the hospitality, meetings, and tourism industry, which has been hit hard by Covid-19. My clients have cancelled their meetings and one actually decided to retire, selling her company. The industry that has consumed the last 25 years of my life must deploy a new paradigm in their cleaning protocols to make people feel safe to meet and gather again. I have been introduced to a new paradigm, an air and surface purification product that has proven technology, performed by a FDA-compliant independent third-party lab, to kill 99.98%of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) in the air after 3 minutes. Based on my personal experience with their air and surface units I decided to become a distributor of the product line.

Vollara Air and Surface Pro

This compact air purifier uses ActivePure® Technology that has been proven to reduce over 99.9% of many common airborne and surface contaminants including viruses, bacteria, mold, fungi, VOCs, smoke, allergens, and odors. 1

  • New and improved ActivePure® Cell design delivers ActivePure® faster
  • Freshens air and removes odors in stale environments
  • UVC light mimics cleansing
  • Reduces dirt and dust from the air
  • Positive and Negatively charged ions reduce small particles and airborne pollutants
  • Portable unit treats areas 500-3,000 square feet.

FreshAir Mobile

Pocket-sized purifier provides clean, healthy air when you’re on the go; significantly reducing surface and airborne contaminants, odors and pollutants in the areas where you spend your time. I use in work spaces away from home and in hotels when I travel.

  • Utilizes the ActivePure® technology
  • Disinfects surfaces and air, removes VOCs, smoke and odors
  • Reduces airborne contaminants and allergens
  • Removes odors and freshens air
  • Removes dirt and dust from the air
  • Creates healthy, pure indoor spaces
  • Treats areas up to 500 square feet
If you work in a cubicle environment
you need this device

FreshAir Personal

The FreshAir Personal provides nature’s own powerful cleaning properties with a built-in ionizer that attracts free-roaming particles and captures them, reducing allergens and pollutants that invade the space you breathe.

  • Removes airborne contaminants and allergens from the air immediately around your body
  • Reduces asthma and allergy symptoms from your personal space
  • Freshens air and removes odors within your breathing zone
  • Can help keep irritating odors and harmful particles out of your personal space while traveling in confined spaces like an airplane or train

Testing of the ActivePure® Technology was conducted by one of the world’s top biosafety testing facilities, the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), which primarily tests for the U.S. military and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Results showed the air purifying technology inactivated over 99.9% of highly concentrated airborne SARS-CoV-2 virus in an enclosed setting in just 3 minutes, below detectable levels. 93.9%.

My Testimony

I have suffered from severe spring allergies all my life. For the last decade I have used a five (5) drug cocktail to get through the spring. Due to wearing the FreshAir Personal, a device that reduces airborne contaminants and allergens from my personal space, and running the Air & Surface PRO in my house I did not take one pill or use either spray during the 2021 allergy season. This was the first time in 56 years I did not need prescription or OTC drugs to get through my allergy season. I’m enjoying spring breezes through open windows and don’t wake up with mucous filled eyes and stuffy nose for the first time in my life. With allergy season over and Covid-19 still active I continue to wear the Personal unit in order to maintain the personal barrier of protection from pollutants it provides.  I purchased the FreshAir Mobile to take with me when traveling to use in meeting rooms and hotels.